north bay trumpet
Nor-Cal Honor Band Solo
Preparation Exercises
To help scale preparation, use
the scale sheet to:
- Practice the scales all
- Practice the scales all
- Practice the scales with the
marked articulation
- Practice the scales in all
keys (perhaps start lower and move up 1 week at a time)
Other scale exercises:
- Clarke Technical study #1
(helps prepare for chromatic scale and exercises range)
- Clarke Technical studies
etude #1 (helps prepare for chromatic scale and exercises
- Arbans p 79 #8, 9 (helps
prepare for chromatic scale and exercises range)
- Schlossberg #117, 118, 119,
125 (helps prepare for chromatic scale and exercises
- Schlossberg #90, 91, 93, 113
(helps prepare for scales and exercises range)
- Schlossberg #1-4 and #7-11
(helps gain control of lower register for starting notes
of lower scales)
To help solo preparation, use
the solo to:
- Change all double tongued
passages to 8th notes (make sure fingers and
air are working well)
- Practice all passages on the
mouthpiece (to help your ear and accuracy)
- Sing all passages
- Practice phrases with
opposite dynamics and articulations (to gain control)
- Reduce a phrase to a summary
of a few notes-slur them and check that the sound on
those targets is full and relaxed
- Transpose a phrase to a new
key (this makes the original seem easier)
Other solo passage exercises:
- Arbans p 175 #81, p 176 #82,
84, 85, 86, p182 #113 (helps with double tongue passages)
- Concone Lyrical Studies (all)
(helps develop a sense of phrasing and lyricsism)
- Arbans p 185
#1-characteristic study (helps develop facility for fast
- Schuebruk Lip Trainers (all)
(helps with entrances and dynamics)
Additional practice
- Practice slowly (edge the
tempo up a little at a time over several weeks)
- Rest adequately while
- Practice all passages single
tongued and convert to double tongue once you have
- Dont neglect your
regular practice during solo preparation time
- Maintain a general practice
schedule to develop consistency in your playing and sound
- Listen to at least 2
different recordings of the solo
- Practice with a tuner
- Practice with a metronome
- Record your practice sessions
to find your own deficiencies (play it back at ½ speed
if possible)
- Think about what you are
doing (mentally prepare) before you do it
- Hear the phrase in motion
before you start
- Every note must have forward
- Try to minimize embouchure
movement when playing anything that involve s an extreme
register change
- All notes must represent
their full rhythmic and sound value
- All notes should be played
with a full, clear, resonant tone
- Listen to details when you
practice and play the solo