Todd Higgins
Personal Lesson Page:
1) Buzz mouthpiece (keep it low and soft and rest a lot between)
(rest 5 min.)
2) Schlossberg:
a) #8-11a (pick one-one line only at the lowest level)
b) #12-15 (pick one-one measure only at each level)
c) #18-25 (pick one-one entire exercise)
d) #27-30 (pick one-one entire exercise)
3) Clarke:
Study #6 (alternate days with major or minor versions-possibly
every other key)
(rest 10 min.)
4) Arbans: (this is where my memory is a
little sketchy)
p 34 #33
p 43 #20
p 61 # 15
p 125 #1 (as marked)
p 149 #55 (as marked)
p 155 #1 (slowly-detached)
(rest 10-20 min)
5) Getchell (as marked)
6) Concone (as marked)
7) Cafarelli (as marked)
8) Classical Solo or Piccolo Literature
9) Jazz tune
10) Ensemble music (as needed)
11) Hickman bending exercise #1 (as needed)
Put the horn away and pat yourself on the back for a job well done!