north bay trumpet
Why does this tuition
policy exist?
- This instructor's time is extremely valuable.
- The instructor must pay studio rent whether or
not a student attends a lesson.
- What is the instructor expected to do when a
student does not show for a scheduled lesson time?
- The instructor must be able to use any
available time for make-ups.
- If there is no current demand for make-ups the
instructor must reset the schedule in order to minimize studio "dead
time" and move on to work on other projects, class preparation, etc.
- Last minute cancellations, no shows,
illnesses, leave the instructor standing in the studio with "dead time"
while he must pay studio rent.
- Studio rent is equal to 10% of the
instructor's total student income for the year.
- Not showing up or canceling without adequate
notice and expecting tuition credit is the same as the instructor not
showing up and expecting payment.
- Would a student or parent see this as
- Despite the fact that a non-cancellation and
non-refund policy is in effect and SIGNED BY STUDENTS AND PARENTS the
instructor was faced with 68 cancellations during the 05-06 school year.
- This is absolutely unacceptable.
- This represents a loss of over $2500.
- This represents 10% of the instructor's total
studio income for the entire year.
- What business can afford this loss?
- What parent would accept this loss in their
- By asking to study at North Bay Trumpet Studio
and SIGNING the tuition payment policy, the student and parent agree to
adhere to this policy WITHOUT argument or exception.
- Studying with the most highly qualified
private instructor in the area (on any instrument) with the most
clearly outlined study program and a track record for excellence with
his students is a PRIVILIGE not a right.
- The instructor sincerely hopes that the
student and parent will consider these factors the next occasion an
absence occurs.